Do to a recent change in Ohio Law that deals with Transient Vendors, Plain Township can no longer curtail a transient vendor's ability to knock on doors in residential neighborhoods. In an effort to abide with the new laws, the Board of Plain Township Trustees have inacted a revised Township Transient Vendor Regulation. The new guidelines will adopt the Registration and Regulation of Transient Vendors or "Door-to-Door" sales in Plain Township.
With the new regulation’s township residents that do not wish to be bothered by door to door sales people will need to add their addresses to the Plain Township "DO NOT KNOCK" Registry. This registry will list the addresses of those that Do Not desire to be solicited by door-to-door sales and prohibit the vendors from knocking on your door.
Once your address is on the registry, the Township will send you a sticker that must be displayed on or near your front door or window which states, "NO SOLICITORS". If you sign up for this registry and display the sticker near your front door, all vendors going door-to-door are prohibited from knocking on your door.
To be added to the “Do Not Knock” registry, please contact the Plain Township Zoning Department at 2600 Easton St. NE, Canton, Ohio, in person, so we can provide you with a window sticker. Please also bring proof of residency such as a utility bill, drivers license, etc. “Do Not Knock” registry forms are available online.
This registry excludes those representing any entity exempt from taxation under Section 5709.04 of the Ohio Revised Code (i.e. students selling items for school fundraisers, Boy/Girl Scouts, etc.)
The “DO NOT KNOCK” Registry does not apply to any person going door-to-door, that you personally invite onto your property.
Once your address is added to the “DO NOT KNOCK” Registry, your address stays on the list until: