Home Rule

Resolution #91-325 Home Rule was passed on August 5, 1991.

Motion by Mr. Watkins,

WHEREAS, recent legislation has established provisions for the limited self-government form of township government subsequent to the approval of a majority of the votes cast on the proposition of adopting the limited self-government form of township government; and WHEREAS, under existing law, a Board of Township Trustees may exercise only those powers that are expressly granted by statute or are incidental to the statutorily granted powers; and WHEREAS, Plain Township can benefit from limited self-government form of township government; and WHEREAS, the legislation allows a township Board of Trustees, by majority vote, to adopt a resolution to have the Board of Elections submit to the electors of the unincorporated area of the township the question of whether the township should adopt a home rule form of township government under which it would exercise limited powers of local self-government and limited police powers; THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Plain Township Board of Trustees, Stark County, Ohio to submit to the electors of Plain Township, to the electors of Plain Township, Stark County, Ohio at the general election on November 5, 1991 the question of the adoption of limited self-government form of township government; and THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the submission of said proposal, the notice of election, the form of ballot be in accordance with the statutes in such cases made and provided; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the form of ballot case at such election shall be:

A majority Affirmative Vote Is Necessary for Passage

"Shall the township of Plain adopt the limited self-government form of township government, under which form the board of township trustees, by resolution , may exercise limited powers of local self-government and limited police powers?"

__________For adoption of the limited self-government form of government

__________Against adoption of the limited self-government form of government

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of this board be, and hereby is, directed and authorized to proceed forthwith the certification hereof to the Board of Elections Stark County, Ohio in accordance with the Ohio Revised Code, to proceed with all things necessary to be done in order to accomplish the purpose of this resolution and to publish and post notice of the election at lease forty-five days before the election on adoption of the limited self-government of township government; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that it is found and determined that all formal actions of this board concerning and relating to the adoption of this resolution were adopted in an open meeting of this board, and that all deliberations of this board that resulted in such formal actions were in meetings open to the public in compliance with al legal requirements, including Section 121.22 of the Ohio Revised Code; and  BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to request the Stark County Prosecutor to review and approve the preceding resolution.   Seconded by Mr. Kubilus. Discussion:  It was decided that along with public posting as required, the Township will inform the residents through the newsletter and also asked the Fire Chief if the Volunteer Fire Fighters would be willing to pass out information.  Vote:  Mr. Baker, yes; Mr. Kubilus, yes; Mr. Watkins, yes.

Chapter 100 - Animals

Section 101 - Barking Dogs (Resolution 92-517)

Section 102 - Dogs and Other Animals Running at Large (92-518)

Section 103 - Animal Waste (92-519)

Chapter 200 - Storm Drainage Pipes and Culverts

Section 201 - No Unauthorized Persons in Pipes and Culverts

Section 202 - Parent or Guardian's Responsibility

Section 203 - Penalties

Chapter 400 - Roads (93-62)

Section 401 - Removal of Snow and Ice on Undedicated Roads

Chapter 500 - Plain Township Park (93-456)

Section 501 - Prohibited Activities

Section 502 - Penalties

Chapter 500 (Revision) - Diamond Community Park Regulations

Section 501(F) - Prohibited Activities - Diamond Community Park

Chapter 600 - Cable

Section 601 - Adoption of Customer Service Obligations

Section 602 - Additional Customer Service Standards:  Prohibition of Scrambling Any Regulated Tier Until Authorized by Federal Law

Section 603 - Additional Customer Service Standards:  Options to be Provided to Customers

Section 604 - Violations and Civil Fines

Section 605 - Severability

Chapter 700 - Trees in Right-of-Way (95-359)

Section 701 - Trees to be Removed and/or Trimmed Along Public Ways

Section 702 - Penalties for Section 701

Chapter 800 - Curfew for Minors

Chapter 900 - Portable Basketball Hoops in Right-of-Way

Section 901 - Portable Basketball Hoops to be removed

Chapter 1000 - Transient Vendors

Chapter 1100 - Parking and Storage of Certain Types of Vehicles and Equipment

Section 1101 - Prohibition on the Parking and Storage of Certain Types of Vehicles and Equipment Within any Residential District Within the Township

Chapter 1200 - Noise Ordinance

Chapter 1300 - Illicit Discharge & Illegal Connection Controls

Chapter 1500 - Use of Yard Waste Drop Off Area