One freestanding sign shall be permitted for any 1 lot. However, if such lot, as defined by these regulations, has frontage on more than 1 public street, 1 additional sign is permitted.
Freestanding signs for the S-1 & B-1 district shall be limited to signs where the base or frame is not more than 1 foot from ground level, except for a decorative pedestal-style base.
The permitted sq. ft. of freestanding signs for a lot shall be determined by multiplying 1 sq. ft. by the frontage of the property, provided the total sq. ft. of the sign shall not exceed the maximum area set in Section 801.7.
When a freestanding sign is erected on a site that has more than 1 tenant, it is the property owner's responsibility to determine the sign area devoted to each tenant.
All Freestanding signs shall not exceed a height of 35 feet. No sign shall be located closer than 10 feet to any side or rear property line nor within ten 10 feet of any public right-of-way.
The length of the building that faces the addressed street, or the wall of the building that contains the main entrance shall be considered the front. For lots that have 2 or more street frontages, or the main entrance is on a wall not facing the street, the building frontage shall be calculated separately.
Wall signs may be affixed flat against the walls of the building or may project therefrom no more than 2 feet.
The area of all permanent wall signs for any business shall be determined by multiplying 2 square feet by the building width occupied, not to exceed the maximum area set in Section 801.8.
Requirements for all signs in any district:
For Further Information
See Article VIII Section 801
of the Plain Township Zoning Resolution or
call the Plain Township Zoning Department at (330)492-4686
between 8a.m. - 4:30p.m., Monday - Friday
Zoning Department
2600 Easton St. NE
Canton, Ohio 44721
8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
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